We offer our assistance to set up programs to support patients in their disease’s management on a daily basis.

These programs, allowing a care adapted to each patient, can have different objectives :
- to help patients to have a better understanding of their illness and accept it
- to help patients to develop autonomous in taking treatment (eg injection with medical device)
- to help patients in the administrative procedures relateted to their disease (eg social security ...)
- to help patients manage their disease in their daily life (eg precautions that must be taken during trips, or by air travel, which kind of sport to practice and how, what eating, impact on social life, lifestyle ...)

We ensure the selection and recruitment phase of professionals’ team corresponding to the needs of the project. Educators, nurses or psychologists will benefit from tailor-made training, including training in pathology, treatment administered, rules of deontology and ethics, quality system of confidentiality and data protection, the reporting system adapted to the project ....

Our team manages the follow up throughout the program, making regular reports to the client’s project manager.